The Foot & Ankle

Illustration of The Foot & Ankle with a highlighted red area indicating pain or inflammation.

We specialize in the medical and surgical treatment of foot and ankle disorders resulting from injury, overuse, deformity, and degenerative conditions. We provide complete diagnostic, treatment, and rehabilitation services, as well as preventive intervention. A partial listing of the foot and ankle conditions we regularly treat includes:

State-of-the-Art Foot Care

Because our feet support us in so many routine activities, relieving foot and ankle pain can greatly improve quality of life. At the Southern Bone & Joint Foot & Ankle Center, you will be treated by an orthopaedic surgeon with advanced Fellowship training in foot and ankle disorders.

You can expect us to—literally—get you back on your feet again by taking the time to properly diagnose your condition, recommend effective and efficient treatment options, and lead you through the recovery process.


A proper diagnosis involves taking a detailed history of the condition and performing a physical examination of your feet, legs, walking style, and shoes. (Many foot and ankle problems are the result of poor footwear choices.) X-rays and blood tests may be ordered.

To ensure the most accurate diagnosis, we also offer such advanced technologies as:


Most cases of foot and ankle pain can be treated without surgery. Conditions that cause swelling and pain can often be managed using the traditional R.I.C.E. approach (Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation), anti-inflammatory medication, orthotics, exercise, and stretching. Physical therapy may be helpful for certain diagnoses, and modification of activity and training programs may be recommended.

For sprains and fractures, our physicians generally avoid casts, instead choosing lightweight braces with rehabilitation exercises that provide support while allowing early weight bearing and return to activity.

Surgery may be recommended, but only when nonsurgical options prove inadequate. In most cases, surgery is performed on an outpatient basis.

Whatever course of treatment you choose, you have the added satisfaction of knowing that your physician is an expert with a proven history of success in treating the most common— and uncommon—foot and ankle conditions.


Our patients have access to any and all of the rehabilitation resources at Southern Bone & Joint Specialists that may be needed for complete and rapid recovery.

Whether you are undergoing conservative treatment or a surgical procedure, our goal remains the same:to restore health and function as rapidly and completely as possible with the least risk.

Ready to feel Better?

We're the clinic to get you back out here

Troy, Alabama